CHAPTER 13. TRAFFICCHAPTER 13. TRAFFIC\Article 2. Local Traffic Regulations.

It is hereby declared to be unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to commit any of the following acts on any street in the City of Peabody, to wit:

(a)   The crossing of the center-line of any street except when making a lawful turn at an intersection, or except to enter a driveway or alley.

(b)   Backing across the center-line of any street in order to proceed in the opposite direction, other than backing out of a driveway or alley.

(Ord.03-2007; Code 2016)

It is hereby declared to be unlawful for a driver of a vehicle to park such vehicle along the same side of the street and within the same block as where a fire truck is stopped or parked with its flashing lights in operation:

(Ord.03-2007; Code 2016)

When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall at any time park a vehicle upon any of the following described streets or parts of streets:

(a)   Both sides of West Second Street from Vine Street to Plum Street;

(b)   West side of Sycamore Street from 7th Street to 9th Street;

(c)   West side of Maple Street from 7th Street to 9th Street;

(d)   East side of Vine Street from 4th to 5th Street;

(e)   Both sides of Division Street west of Poplar Street;

(f)   West side of Poplar Street between 3rd and Division Streets;

(g)   South side of 3rd Street between Locust and Poplar Streets;

(h)   South side of 3rd Street between Walnut and Vine Streets;

(i)    South side of 4th Street between Pine Street and the Alley;

(j)    North side of 5th Street between Spruce and Pine Streets;

(k)   West side of Pine Street between 7th and 5th Streets;

(l)    Both sides of 6th Street between Pine and Elm Streets; and

(m)  Both sides of 7th Street between Pine and Elm Streets;

(n)   West side of Locust Street from 2nd Street to 3rd Street;

(o)   Both sides of Division Street from Plum Street to Locust Street;

(p)   East side of Locust Street from 3rd Street to 4th Street; and

(q)   West side of Olive Street from 2nd Street to the Railroad Tracks.

(r)    4th Street West of Locust Street; North side, from Locust West to Alley entrance; South side from Locust, West to service entrance for Long-term Care Center.

(s)   North side of 4th Street between Poplar and Peabody Streets.

(Ord. 859; Ord.05-2010; Ord. 07-2012; Ord. 01-2014; Code 2016)

When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle in violation of any of the following time restrictions:

(a)   No parking is permitted along the South side of 8th Street from Walnut Street to Sycamore Street, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

(b)   Parking on South Walnut shall be limited to two hours in duration for trucks weighing over 15,000 pounds.

(c)   No trailer, camper, boat, recreational vehicle or motor home shall be parked on any city street from sunset to sunrise; provided, however, that the Chief of Police shall have the authority to grant a temporary parking permit for a designated trailer, camper, boat, recreational vehicle or motor home to be parked at a designated location for a defined period of time, which permit shall be subject to revocation if the Chief of Police determines that a hazard, nuisance or public safety condition is being created thereby.

(K.S.A. 1984 Supp. 8-1336; Ord. 859; Code 2016)

In accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 8-2002(a), and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop or yield as the sign directs at every intersection before entering any of the following streets or parts of streets which are hereby designated as through streets:

(a)   Ninth Street from the West city limits to the East city limits;

(b)   Seventh Street from Peabody Street to Pine Street;

(c)   Third Street from Peabody Street to Spruce Street;

(d)   Second Street from the City Park to the East city limits;

(e)   North Poplar Street from Division Street to Ninth Street;

(f)   North Walnut Street from Central Avenue to East Ninth Street;

(g)   North Sycamore Street from East First Street to East Ninth Street;

(h)   North Maple Street from the South city limits to East Ninth Street;

(i)    North Elm Street from East Second Street to East Ninth Street;

(j)    North Eighth Street from the West city limits to the East city limits.

(Ord. 871; Ord. 05-2011; Code 2016)

In accordance with the provisions of K.S.A. 8-2002(a), and when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop or yield as the sign directs where the following streets intersect:

(a)   Traffic on Peabody Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with County Road 554;

(b)   Southbound traffic on Maple Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Central Avenue;

(c)   Southbound traffic on North Elm shall stop or yield at the intersection with East Second Street;

(d)   Traffic on Ninth Street shall stop or yield at the intersections with Peabody Street and Prairie Lawn Road;

(e)   Traffic on Eighth Street shall stop or yield at the intersections with North Locust Street North Olive Street, North Vine Street, North Sycamore Street, North Maple Street, North Elm Street, and North Walnut Street;

(f)   Westbound traffic on Seventh Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with North Elm Street;

(g)   Traffic on Third Street shall stop or yield at the intersections with North Poplar Street, North Locust Street, North Plum Street; North Olive Street, North Vine Street, North Walnut Street, North Maple Street, North Elm Street and North Spruce Street;

(h)   Traffic on Division Street shall stop or yield at the intersections with North Locust Street, North Vine Street, North Walnut Street and North Maple Street;

(i)    Traffic on First Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Walnut Street;

(j)    Traffic on Second Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Walnut Street and Maple Street;

(k)   Traffic on Walnut Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Second Street and Ninth Street;

(l)    Traffic on Vine Street, Olive Street, and Plum Street, Sycamore Street and Elm Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Second Street;

(m)  Southbound traffic on Locust Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Second Street;

(n)   Northbound traffic on Pine Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Third Street;

(o)   Traffic on Fourth Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Poplar Street, Walnut Street, Sycamore Street, Maple Street and Elm Street;

(p)   Traffic on Fifth Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Poplar Street, Walnut Street, Sycamore Street and Maple Street;

(q)   Traffic on Sixth Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Poplar Street, Walnut Street, Sycamore Street and Maple Street;

(r)    Traffic on Seventh Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Poplar Street, Plum Street, Vine Street, Walnut Street, Sycamore Street, and Maple Street;

(s)   Eastbound traffic on Eighth Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Poplar Street;

(t)    Northbound traffic on Poplar Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Eighth Street;

(u)   Northbound traffic on Plum Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Second Street and Eighth Street;

(v)   Eastbound traffic on Eighth Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Sycamore Street;

(w)  Westbound traffic on Eighth Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Maple Street;

(x)   Northbound traffic on Peabody Street, Poplar Street, Locust Street, Olive Street, Vine Street, Walnut Street, Sycamore Street, Maple Street, Elm Street and Prairie Lawn Road shall stop or yield at the intersection with Ninth Street;

(y)   Eastbound traffic on Division Street shall stop or yield at the intersection with Locust Street.

(z)   Traffic exiting the City Park at the intersection of 2nd Street and Locust Street shall stop or yield to North bound traffic on Locust Street.

(Ord. 871; Ord. 05-2010; Ord. 05-2011; Code 2016)

No person, except those expressly exempted, shall drive any motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, motorized bicycle or autocycle upon any highway or street in this city unless such person has a valid driver’s license and said driver’s license is rated for motorcycles or has a class “M” endorsement. Violation of this section is punishable by fine of not more than $1000.00 or by imprisonment for not more than six months or both fine and imprisonment.

(Ord. 04-2016; Code 2016; Ord. 02-2017; Ord. 04-2018; Ord. 07-2019; Ord. 06-2023)