No trucks, trailers, or any other vehicle weighing over 11,000 pounds shall be driven or pulled on any city street except for the expressed purpose of loading or unloading its cargo, except on established truck routes as provided herein.
(Ord. 860; Ord. 880; Code 2016)
There is hereby established a truck route through the City of Peabody, Kansas, as follows:
(a) From the city limits at the North end of Walnut Street, south to Central Avenue,
(b) East on Central Avenue to Maple Street, south to the city limits.
(c) West on 2nd street from Walnut to North Vine Street,
(d) South on North Vine street to First street.
(Ord. 880; Ord. 08-2009; Code 2016)
There is hereby established certain truck parking areas, which will remain as such until such time as the governing body determines those portions of the street on which such parking is allowed have noticeably deteriorated. Such parking areas will not be open to refrigerator or livestock trucks, or to truck trailers which are not hitched to truck cabs, unless such trailer is set upon blocks in such a way as to insure that no damage results to the street below from the placing of such trailer. The designated areas will be as follows:
(a) The South side of First Street between North Olive Street and North Vine Street;
(b) The South side of First Street between North Walnut Street and North Sycamore Street;
(c) The North Side of First Street from North Sycamore Street West to the alley.
(d) The South side of First Street from Vine Street east to the alley;
(e) North and South sides of First Street from North Olive Street West to the alley;).
(Ord. 880; Ord. 08-2009; Code 2016)