Article 1. Definitions. 1

11-101.  Definitions. 1

Article 2. Use of Public Sewers Required. 3

11-201.  Unlawful acts. 3

11-202.  Sanitary sewage; industrial wastes; discharge. 3

11-203.  Privies; vaults; cesspools. 3

11-204.  Toilet facilities required. 3

11-205.  Service and connections outside city limits. 3

Article 3. Private Sewage Disposal 4

11-301.  Where public sewer not available. 4

11-302.  Permit required fee. 4

11-303.  Inspectors. 4

11-304.  Comply with recommendation of state board of health. 4

11-305.  When public sewer available. 4

11-306.  Maintenance and operation. 4

11-307.  Boards of health requirements. 5

Article 4. Permits; Building Sewers and Connections  6

11-401.  Required. 6

11-402.  Classification; fee. 6

11-403.  Cost of connections; liability. 6

11-404.  Separate building sewer; exception. 6

11-405.  Old building sewers. 6

11-406.  Size and slope of building sewer. 6

11-407.  Joints; connections; pipes; specifications. 7

11-408.  Building sewer; public sewer connections. 7

11-409.  Where gravity flow not possible. 7

11-410.  Certain connections prohibited. 8

11-411.  Connection with public sewer; inspection. 8

11-412.  Excavations; barricades; restoration of public property. 8

Article 5. Use of Public Sewers. 9

11-501.  Storm water; surface water; roof runoff; etc. 9

11-502.  Use of storm sewers. 9

11-503.  Certain discharges prohibited. 9

11-504.  Unlawful uses. 9

11-505.  Sewer usage restrictions. 11

11-506.  Grease, oil and sand interceptors. 11

11-507.  Interceptors maintained by owners. 11

11-508.  Manholes; when required by superintendent. 11

11-509.  Measurements; tests; analyses. 12

11-510.  Special arrangements with city. 12

Article 6. Protection From Damage. 13

11-601.  Damage to sewage works. 13

Article 7. Powers and Authority of Inspectors. 14

11-701.  Powers and authority of inspectors. 14

11-702.  Safety. 14

11-703.  City entry and access. 14

Article 8. Penalty. 15

11-801.  Notice of violations. 15

11-802.  Penalties. 15

11-803.  Liability to city. 15

Article 9. User Charges. 16

11-901.  User charge system. 16

11-902.  Operation, maintenance and replacement fund. 16

11-903.  Fiscal year end balances. 16

11-904.  Payment of services. 16

11-905.  Residential contributors and industrial contributors. 16

11-906.  Wastewater contributors. 17

11-907.  Toxic pollutants. 17

11-908.  User charge rates. 17

11-909.  Collection and billing. 17

11-910.  Review of user charge system. 17

11-911.  Notice of rate charges. 17