As used in this article the following words and phrases shall mean:
(a) Bite. Any actual or suspected abrasion, scratch, puncture, tear, bruise or piercing of the skin caused by any animal, and which bite is commonly or may reasonably be presumed to be contaminated or inoculated with the saliva from the animal, directly or indirectly, regardless of the health of the animal causing such bite.
(b) Cattery. Any premise where there is being maintained or harbored a total of more than three (3) cats or more than two (2) unspayed female cats over the age of six (6) months, except veterinary hospitals.
(c) Dangerous or Vicious Animal. Any animal:
(1) That has attacked a human or a domestic animal without provocation, including snapping or biting at a human or domestic animal and whether or not such attack was completed or any injury inflicted; or
(2) That has such a vicious propensity that it is determined by the law enforcement officer that it creates an unreasonable hazard or danger to the general public in the event of its release or escape from confinement.
(d) Domestic Animals. All vertebrate and invertebrate animals, such as, but not limited to cattle, horses, hogs, goats, rabbits, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigeons and other fowl or wild mammals or birds that have been tamed or domesticated. Only dogs belonging to the species “Canis familiaris” and cats belonging to the species “Felis catus” shall be regarded for purposes of this article as being tamed or domesticated, with all other species of dogs and cats being regarded as wild.
(e) Domestic Animal Shelters. All pens, houses or fenced enclosures where more than three (3) domestic animals are confined, such as, but not limited to, hutches, cages, lofts, kennels, warrens, feedlots, barns or other buildings and enclosures.
(f) Fowl. All domesticated animals that are included in the zoological class Aves.
(g) Garbage. The putrescible animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food for human beings.
(h) Habitual Violator. Any person:
(1) Who is the owner, keeper or harborer of any animal or animals which have been impounded by the law enforcement officer on three or more occasions within any 36-month period, each incidence of an impoundment being regarded as a separate occasion, regardless of whether one or more animals were impounded at the same time and regardless of whether the impoundment was as to the same or different animals on each occasion; or
(2) Who was the owner, keeper or harborer of any animal or animals which have on two or more occasions within any 36-month period attacked a human or a domestic animal without provocation including snapping or biting at a human or a domestic animal and whether or not such attack was completed or any injury inflicted, each incidence of an attack being regarded as a separate occasion regardless of whether the attack was by the same or a different animal on each occasion; or
(3) Who has been fined or convicted for three or more violations of this article, which violations occurred within any 60-month period; or
(4) Who fails to confine or control in accordance with the provisions of this article, any animal that has been determined to be a dangerous or vicious animal.
(i) Harboring. Any person who shall allow any animal to habitually remain or lodge or be fed within one’s home, store, yard, enclosure or place of business or any other premise which one controls, shall be considered to be keeping and harboring such animal within the meaning of this article.
(j) Inhumane Treatment. The infliction of unnecessary cruelty upon any animal; the failure to provide it with necessary food, drink, shelter or protection from the weather; abandonment; transportation of an animal in or upon a vehicle in an inhumane manner; knowingly or willingly authorizing it to be subjected to unnecessary torture, suffering or cruelty of any kind.
(k) Kennel. Any premise where there is being harbored a total of more than three (3) dogs over the age of six (6) months, except veterinary hospitals.
(l) Person. Any individual, firm, association, joint stock company, syndicate, partnership or corporation.
(m) Provocation. The willful and intentional teasing, harassment, injuring or abuse of an animal or the entry into a fenced or enclosed area or building in which an animal is lawfully kept or harbored, other than areas open to the general public during the hours of such public access; or any threatening actions or conduct taken against or battery of a person, without legal cause or justification and in the presence of an animal which is owned, kept or harbored by such person or by a member of such person’s immediate family or households.
(n) Refuse. All putrescible and nonputrescible waste materials (except animal body discharges) such as trash, garbage, dead animals, cardboard, tin cans, glass, wood, metals, salvage, or inert materials produced or accumulated in connection with the maintenance of domestic animals.
(o) Running at Large. Any animal shall be deemed to be running at large when not confined on the premises of the owner or harbored within a fenced enclosure or animal shelter or under the control of a person, either by lead, cord, leash or chain; provided, that an animal may be considered confined on a lead rope or chain which is securely fastened or picketed in a manner which is sufficient to keep the animal on the premises.
(p) Veterinary Hospitals. A domestic animal hospital operated by a doctor of veterinary medicine licensed by the State of Kansas.
(q) Waste or Wastes. Manure or the body discharge of all domestic animals, spilled feed or unconsumed feed, and liquid cleaning wastes including suspended solids resulting from cleaning operations.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 809; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
The Mayor is hereby authorized to appoint an animal control officer to serve at the Mayor’s pleasure to carry out the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
It shall be the duty of any duly appointed animal control officer or police officer to enforce the provisions of this article; and the same are hereby authorized to make whatever investigations and to issue such notices, complaints, citations, orders or directions as are necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this article. Where one of the above named officers is specifically referred to in any provision of this article, that reference shall be construed to mean any officer authorized to enforce this article.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(a) Permit any animal to run at large within the corporate limits of the city, or permit any mammal other than a domestic dog or a domestic cat to be outside of a lawful cage, holding facility or enclosed exercise yard or facility under any circumstances other than (i) in the process of loading any such mammal from or to a secure means of conveyance, provided that such mamma1 is adequately controlled at all such times by leashes, chains or other similar means, or (ii) as the animal control officer may otherwise allow upon advance notice and request, if satisfied that adequate measures will be utilized to secure the animal during the period it will be outside of the lawful cage or facility. The term “permit” as used herein shall be construed to mean the intentional or unintentional failure of the owner or harborer of any animal to insure that said animal does not run at large within the corporate limits of the city.
(b) Carry out inhumane treatment against any animal. The animal control officer may take charge of any animal found abandoned or clearly showing evidence of cruel neglect upon either private or public property and inspect, care for, treat or transport such animal to a licensed veterinarian for treatment, boarding or other care or, if it appears the animal is diseased or disabled beyond recovery for any useful purpose, for deposition.
(c) Keep or harbor any animal which by loud, frequent or habitual barking, yowling or other noise or action disturbs any person or neighborhood within the corporate limits of the city.
(d) Keep or harbor a dangerous or vicious animal within the corporate limits of the city. When it has been determined such an animal is vicious, the animal shall be destroyed upon orders of the animal control officer or confined in a manner and location approved by the animal control officer. Any person authorized to enforce this article may kill any animal having a vicious or dangerous nature found doing or effecting damage to persons or property harborer outside the premises of the animal’s owner, keeper or
(e) Keep or harbor for any purpose, the following animals in any area zoned residential under the Zone Ordinance of the City of Peabody: cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, horses, oxen, geese, turkeys, ducks, fur-bearing animals (such as, but not limited to, mink, chinchilla, muskrats, skunks, raccoons and beavers ) and wild fowl or mammals (except those that have been tamed, are of the type that are commonly kept inside a residence, and are in fact kept inside of a residence,) except for the following:
(1) The keeping of pigeons and rabbits is not prohibited by this subsection.
(2) That this article shall not apply if the owner of said animals or domestic fowl obtains and files with the city clerk written permission to keep, yard, quarter or confine said animals or domestic fowl from the owners and residents of all properties located within three hundred feet (300’) of where said animals or domestic fowl are quartered or confined, with the additional written permission of such owners and residents being also subsequently necessary as to any expansion of such facilities or as to any material changes in the nature of the animals being so kept, yarded, quartered or confined, and provided, further, that mammals (with the exception of domestic dogs and domestic cats) shall be maintained only in cages or holding facilities that meet or exceed the construction and maintenance specifications of such facilities for such mammals as established by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks in its regulations and guidelines for game breeders. Said regulations and guidelines are hereby incorporated herein by reference, no fewer than three copies of which shall be marked or stamped “Official Copy as Incorporated by Reference by the Code of the City of Peabody, Kansas, “and to which shall be attached a copy of this article and filed with the city clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours. The governing body of the City may grant individual exceptions to such regulations if, upon request and after a hearing, the governing body finds that such individual is licensed for the keeping and harboring of such animals under some other regulatory authority which regulates the conditions of the keeping and harboring thereof, and if the governing body finds that such regulations are an adequate substitute for the regulations adopted here in, even if less restrictive; provided however, that such exception may be withdrawn by the governing body at any time if it subsequently finds that such animals are not in fact being maintained in conformance with such regulations.
(3) The keeping of female chickens shall be permitted subject to the following limitations: the keeping of female chickens shall be in conformance with all provisions of Section 2-109 of the Code of the City of Peabody. It is further provided that the maximum number of chickens allowable under this paragraph shall in no case exceed twelve (12), and that the keeping of roosters is expressly prohibited. Failure to comply with the requirements stated herein shall cause the forfeiture of any and all rights to harbor chickens. Nothing stated or implied in this paragraph shall exempt per sons from complying with all provisions of applicable ordinances, and all applicable city, county and state, health, sanitation and zoning laws.
(f) Keep or harbor for any purpose, any animal listed in “e” above in any area zoned Commercial or Industrial under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Peabody, unless the keeping or harboring of such animals is expressly permitted under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Peabody. Any permissible keeping of the animals listed in subsection (e) above, shall be in conformance with all regulations of this article and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Peabody. Provided, That this section does not preclude temporary keeping of prohibited animals for purposes of demonstrations, livestock shows or exhibitions involving domestic animals maintenance on any premises or in any building or structure under the jurisdiction of the City of Peabody.
(g) Maintain any kennel or cattery in an area where a kennel is not permitted under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Peabody.
(h) Interfere or molest any dog used by department or the city in the performance of the duties of such department, the police functions or
(i) Keep or harbor a dog over four (4) months of age within the corporate limits of the city without securing an annual license as required by this article and without the animal having a vaccination against rabies effective for the entire period of time for which the license is issued; provided, that vaccination may not be required if the owner of the animal shall exhibit to the City Clerk a statement from a licensed veterinarian certifying that the vaccination would be injurious to the animal due to it health.
(j) Aid, abet or encourage any dog to attack or any other dogs; or by words, signs or otherwise set encourage any dog to attack or chase any human being not fight on or engaged in a malicious or criminal act; or keep or harbor any knowingly permit the dog to fight without endeavoring to the same dog and prevent
(k) Permit any dog to enter any theater, store, or other public building in the city, whether accompanied by its owner or person in charge or otherwise, except in the case of a person legally blind who has charge of and is accompanied by a seeing eye dog or except in the case of a person who is deaf and who has charge of and is accompanied by a hearing dog, as defined by state statutes. This section shall not apply to the operator of a pet shop or related business.
(l) Break or train any horse or other animal, except dogs and cats, on any street, sidewalk or other public place within the corporate limits of the city.
(m) Picket any horse, cow or other animal on any street sidewalk or other public place within the corporate limits of the city, with the exception of fairs, parades and other official events.
(n) Kill any squirrel or song bird within the corporate limits of the city: Provided, that it shall be permissible for any Police Officer to kill squirrels, skunks or birds that have become so numerous as to cause destruction or nuisance to property or in the event of disease occurring among such squirrels, skunks or birds that may be considered contagious to human beings.
(o) Keep or harbor bees: Provided, that bees may be harbored on any property during the months from November through March.
(p) Sell, or offer for sale, barter, or give away living chicks, rabbits, ducklings or other fowl, except pigeons, except by persons engaged in operating hatcheries with proper brooder facilities with the intent of selling such animals and fowl for recognized animal husbandry purposes. Nor shall any person offer for sale, barter or give away animal or fowl that has been dyed, colored or treated so as to impart to them an artificial or unnatural color.
(q) Permit any animal, whether or not tethered or otherwise restrained, to have access to public walkways or street ways so as to impede safe pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 809; Ord. 883; Ord. 08-2009; Code 2016)
The restrictions set forth in Section 2-104a shall not apply to the keeping of chickens or roosters, provided that (i) the facility in which the chickens or roosters are to be housed is operated under the direct or indirect control of, and pursuant to an educational program sponsored by, USD #398 or another state recognized educational organization or institution of higher learning; (ii) the animals are housed on property zoned RA; and (iii) the approval of the City Council is first obtained. The City Council may impose whatever additional terms or conditions as the Council determines in its discretion in granting its consent.
(Ord. 02-2008; Code 2016)
The enforcing officer may go upon any property, either public or private, to take any animals in violation of this article. The enforcing officer shall take any animal violating the provisions of this article or any dogs or cats without a license or any animal that has bitten a person or another animal or any animal suspected of having a disease transmittable to human beings. Animals may be taken and/or impounded without the necessity of filing a complaint against the owner or harborer and may be subject to the following:
(a) The animal may be impounded in a veterinary hospital or other designated facility. Where the animal is identifiable by tag, the animal control officer shall notify the owner or harborer by telephone or in person. If the animal is not identifiable by tag, no notice is required.
(b) The animal shall be impounded for a period of three (3) business days with the period of time beginning at the time of impoundment, subject; however, to the conditions as set forth in Section 2-107.
(c) Any animal running at large in violation of the terms of this article or any unvaccinated animal which is required by this Ordinance to be covered by a license and/or vaccinated may be reclaimed by its owner or harborer upon payment of the fees as set out in Section 2-106. In addition, the boarding fee, the license fee, the rabies vaccination fee and any court costs as required by this article must be paid.
(d) Animals not claimed within the period above provided may be given away or destroyed. No animals may be transferred to the permanent custody of a prospective owner unless:
(1) Such animal has been surgically spayed or neutered before the physical transfer of the animal occurs; or
(2) The prospective owner signs an agreement to have the animal spayed or neutered and deposits with the city not less than the lowest nor more than the highest cost of spaying or neutering in the area as determined by the city. Any funds deposited pursuant to such an agreement shall be refunded to such person upon presentation of a written statement signed by a licensed veterinarian that the animal has been spayed or neutered. If such person does not reclaim the deposit within six months after receiving custody of the animal, the city shall keep the deposit and may reclaim the unsprayed or unneutered animal.
(e) Nothing shall be construed to require sterilization of an animal which is being held by the City and which may be claimed by its rightful owner within the holding period established.
(f) An animal impounded for reasons of suspected disease may be reclaimed by the owner after evaluation and treatment by a veterinarian who shall certify the release of the animal. Boarding fees, veterinary fees and permit fees, where required, must be paid before the animal may be released. A diseased animal may be destroyed at the direction of the owner at the owner’s expense.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 758; Ord. 883; Ord. 02-2012; Code 2016)
(a) At the discretion of the police or animal control officer, if the owner or harborer of the animal can be determined, such animal may, but need not be, seized and impounded, as aforesaid. Upon finding that an animal owner or harborer is in violation of any of the provisions of this article, the police or animal control officer may issue a notice, complaint or citation to the owner or harborer that he or she is in violation of this article and the Officer shall specify within said notice what the owner or harborer must do to come into compliance with this article.
(b) A notice, complaint or citation issued for a dog running at large will impose upon the owner or harborer a fine as described below:
(1) First Offense: $50;
(2) Second Offense: $100;
(3) Third and Subsequent Offense: $250.
(4) If said dog destroys the property of another while running at large, the Municipal Judge may consider restitution as an additional dispositional option.
(5) For the purposes of this section, “offense” refers to the number of running at large events by the owner or harborer, and not the number of dogs.
(c) Upon a third or subsequent offense of any provision of this article, the owner or harborer shall be required to:
(1) Appear before the Municipal Court; and
(2) Take whatever action necessary to bring the dog within full compliance of this article, including but not limited to vaccinations and licensing; and
(3) Have an identification microchip implanted in dog traceable to the current owner or harborer, and registered with the City of Peabody; and
(4) Have the dog surgically sterilized by a licensed veterinarian within thirty days at the owner or harborer’s own expense.
(5) The Judge of the Municipal Court has and maintains the discretion, upon a showing of good cause, to:
(A) Release the dog back to the owner prior to the completion of the above-listed provisions; and
(B) To waive any of the above-listed provisions, or to impose additional conditions as he or she deems appropriate.
(6) For the purposes of this Section, the number of prior offenses refers to the owner of the dog, and not the specified dog; given, however, that the number of prior offenses shall not be considered if such prior offense was older than five years on the date of the current violation was found to have occurred.
(d) The Judge of the Municipal Court may also, among other conditions or requirements for any violation of this section, order the dog be removed from the City Limits or for the owner or harborer to be prohibited from owning, keeping, or harboring a dog within the city limits if the Judge determines the owner, keeper, or harborer is continuously, negligently, or intentionally allowing their animal to run at large, or that said owner or harborer is a Habitual Violator as defined in Section 2-101.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 758; Ord. 883; Code 2016; Ord. 2022-06)
The Chief of Police shall report all animal bite cases coming to his attention from hospital or other sources to the animal control officer. The Police Officer or animal control officer in the course of his duties of investigating cases in which animals have bitten a person or other animal shall immediately notify the owners or harborers of the animal to surrender it for immediate impoundment in a veterinary hospital. In the event the owner or harborer of the animal is not available or is unknown, the police or animal control officer shall cause the animal to be impounded. The period of impoundment shall be not fewer than ten (10) days after the biting of a person or other animal, during which time a veterinarian shall determine whether or not the animal is suffering from any disease; and, in the event it is not, the animal control officer shall authorize the release of the animal upon payment by the owner or harborer of the boarding fees therefor. The animal control officer may authorize the owner or harborer of an animal that has bitten a person or another animal to keep the animal on the owner’s or harborer’ s premises: Provided, That the owner or harborer produces a current dog license and/or rabies vaccination certificate showing that the animal has been vaccinated for rabies not more than thirteen (13) months prior to the bite incident.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
Rules and regulations pertaining to registration, vaccination, and licensing shall be as follows:
(a) Registration; City Tag. It shall be the duty of the owner or harborer of any dog to annually register it with the city of Peabody. A receipt shall be issued in the form of a tag of metal or other durable material stamped or engraved with the registration number and the year of registration. The tag shall be attached to a suitable collar and kept on the animal at all times. This section does not apply to animals under four (4) months of age.
(b) Vaccination. Any person applying for a license for a dog shall be required to present at the time of making application, a certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian showing that the animal has been vaccinated or inoculated with a recognized rabies vaccine and showing that the inoculation will be effective for the entire period of time for which the license is issued; provided, if the inoculation will not be effective for the entire period of time for which the license is issued, the owner may warrant to the City that the animal will be inoculated when the current inoculation expires. This requirement shall not apply to any animal under the age of four (4) months.
(c) License Tax; Fees. There is hereby levied an animal tax upon the owner or harborer of each dog within the corporate limits of the city as follows:
(1) Each neutered male or spayed female the sum of five dollars ($5). Proof of spaying or neutering must be presented when paying the fee.
(2) Each unneutered male or unspayed female the sum of ten dollars ($10).
The license tax therein levied shall be due the first business day of January each year, and shall cover a period of one year from the date of issuance of the license. If the license fees are not paid by January 31st of the year in which they are due, a penalty of fifteen dollars ($15) shall be added. New residents of the city or persons acquiring a new animal shall have thirty (30) days in which to register the animal at the regular fee. If such license fees are not paid within the time herein provided, a penalty of fifteen dollars ($15) shall be added.
(d) Ineligible Applicants for Registration. The following persons shall not be eligible or entitled to apply for or receive a registration for any dog or cat, or to renew any registration for any dog or cat:
(1) Any person who within the 36 months immediately preceding such application has been fined or convicted for three or more violations of this article, or who resides in the same household with any person who within the 36 months immediately preceding such application has been fined or convicted for three or more violations of this article;
(2) Any person who has been fined or convicted on two or more occasions as a habitual violator as defined in this article.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Ord. 2004-03; Ord. 08-2009; Code 2016)
Maintenance of domestic animal shelters shall be by permit only. A person desiring to maintain a domestic animal shelter shall obtain a permit form from the city clerk. The city clerk shall inspect or cause the inspection of the premises on which the proposed shelter will be located and upon a determination by the city clerk that the proposed shelter does not violate the terms of this article and upon presentation of the properly completed form and the signatures of a majority of the heads of household within 200 feet of the location of the proposed shelter consenting to the shelter, the city clerk shall issue a permit which shall be valid for a period of one year. It shall be the responsibility of the person maintaining a domestic animal shelter to renew the permit annually following the same procedure as for the initial permit. All permitted domestic animal shelters shall conform with all other provisions of this article. Veterinary hospitals are excluded from this section.
(Ord. 883; Code 2016)
The following minimum environmental health standards shall be observed and followed by persons subject to the terms of this article.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person owning, occupying, maintaining or controlling any yard, pen, room, building, or any other place where animal or fowl are harbored to allow such places to become unsanitary, offensive, unwholesome or annoying to the neighborhood or to allow any waste, decayed, putrid or offensive matter to accumulate therein.
(b) All animal pens and yards shall be located so that adequate drainage is obtained, normal drying occurs and standing water is avoided.
(c) All premises on which animals are kept shall be subject to inspection by the animal control officer or his/her representative. If the animal control officer determines from such inspection that the premises are not being maintained in a clean and sanitary manner, he/she shall notify the owner or keeper of the animal or animals in writing to correct the sanitation deficiencies within twenty-four (24) hours after notice is served. Any person failing to comply with the requirements of the animal control officer shall be guilty of misdemeanor as provided for in Section 2-113.
(d) Collected fecal material and solid organic waste shall be disposed of at a sanitary landfill, fertilizer processing plant, or by proper dispersal on land used for agricultural purposes.
(e) Grain and other feed shall be stored in tightly covered, rodent-proof metal containers or rodent-proof bins.
(f) Premises subject to the terms of this article shall be maintained free of rodent harborage, such as improperly stored materials, enclosed partition walls, and wooden floors closer than twelve inches (12”) to the ground.
(g) Use shall be made of anti-coagulant rodenticides for the control of rodents and organo-phosphorus insecticides for the control of flies or any other effective chemical means for the control of rodents and flies.
(h) Use shall be made of soil sterilants and herbicides or other effective means for the control of weeds and grass around structures and buildings.
(i) Garbage shall not be fed to fowl.
(j) Refuse shall be stored in proper containers or in a manner approved by the Health Officer and disposed of at least once each week or as frequently as may be required by the Health Board.
(k) Holding lots, pens and floors of sheds and buildings where four (4) or more domestic animals are held (including domestic animal shelters, as defined hereunder) shall be surfaced with concrete or asphalt materials and the drainage system of such surface area shall include proper retaining walls and traps to control the waste from draining into water courses and such drainage system shall be subject to the approval of the Health Officer; provided, that the Health Officer may waive this standard for domestic animal holding operations where such animal holding is not longer than twenty-four (24) hours for any domestic animal involved or where dirt lots are more appropriate for the proper care of cattle, horses or sheep: Provided further, that solid wastes accumulated from the cleaning of domestic animal shelters shall be stored on concrete slabs or other facilities such as dirt lots on which is stockpiled manure with an exposed perimeter as approved by the Health Officer and all solid wastes shall be properly disposed of at least once each week or less often as may be required by the Health Board.
(l) Owners or harborers of dogs and cats are responsible for removing and properly disposing of fecal material deposited by their animals outside their property.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
The animal control officer shall report to the Mayor and/or City Council in the event a potential outbreak of rabies is suspected in the dog or cat population. If the Mayor and/or City Council concurs with the animal control officer that the public is in danger from rabid animals, the Mayor and/or City Council is/are hereby authorized and it shall be the Mayor’s duty to issue a Quarantine Proclamation ordering persons owning, keeping or harboring any dog or cat to muzzle the same or to confine it as herein provided for such times as may be specified in such Quarantine Proclamation. All dogs, cats or other animals found at large during the time specified by the Mayor in his Quarantine Proclamation without being properly confined or muzzled may be destroyed by any officer of the city under procedures established by the animal control officer.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
Properly licensed veterinary hospitals are excluded from the provisions of this article.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Code 2016)
Any person who shall be convicted of violating any provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of an unclassified misdemeanor and shall be punished by fine or by confinement in the county jail or by both fine and confinement. Each day that a violation of this article occurs shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable hereunder as a separate violation.
(Ord. 747; Ord. 883; Ord. 03-2006; Code 2016)